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  • Writer's pictureNelly Aguilar

Pictures from Spring Break

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

#1 My sisters Mother-in-laws family got a new puppy.

I didn't really go out on spring break but I did go to my sisters house to see her Mother-in-laws families new puppy. What I will do next time I shot this picture is make the background look more straight.

#2 I took this picture in the afternoon going to my local Starbucks.

I was going to Starbucks and noticed how beautiful the sky looked so I took a picture of it. What I will do next time I shot this picture is make the camera face more out showing the whole tree.

#3 I got gifted this orchid plant

My sisters boyfriend gifted me and my mom flowers for spring. What I will do next time I shot this picture is make it look straight and have a better background.

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